Sunday, July 29, 2012

That's Life

As far as I know, I am so willing to let go of what I've learned. Bye bye food tech. It was the University life that matters. Not the degree.

I don't want to spend my life, or even an ounce of it, reviewing SOPs, managing workers in a factory, or doing hourly check in a production line, or plotting and constructing a HACCP.


Just like giving me a lousy CGPA during my matriculation, life has once again pit me into a situation, where it torments me mentally and spiritually.

There is still a chance that I may end up in the food production industry. Maybe I will like it. But it was never a choice I wanted to make should is really happen.

I really hate to say this, but since year 2 in my degree life, I'd already made up my mind that I would avoid this field once I graduate. Doesn't matter that if I'm smart enough or have the abilities to succeed in this field or not. Bottom line is, I don't like it, and nor will I feel happy if my future working life were to be something similar to my intern life.

No harm to my ex intern company. It's just the life of a food technologist that bothers me. What ever I do, I make sure my happiness and health is the utmost priority. So forget about getting my arse into a production line at midnight. My biological clock and health is more than money.

Ah if happiness would made me live and feel up an empty stomach. If only money wasn't everything.

From the way I see things now, most probably I'll end up doing something I don't like...

Well that's the sad case of life.


Hermion Hester said...

auw i've been through that too.i wasted my schools years to study science stream and then switch to finance field when im in my university.and now, i don't even work at finance industry, i work at logistic industry.:P
whatever you doing right now, as long as you happy then, give it a try..haha to me, money is very important laa :P just saying

jpthedarkknight said...

can't deny. Even I don't spend madly (I'm no shopaholic!) and I am not willing to sacrifice happiness for money, in the end money will play a part in my ultimate happiness...