It started in Sydney in 2007. So after that, plenty of countries follow suit. Regarded as a success, it is prophesized that Earth Hour 2010 will be even greter.
But to me, it is the actions of saving energy turned to a social event. Why the hell should there be activities, gatherings? Ain't this suppose be the time to ponder about our Mother Earth's future?
So what if the whole world turn off their lights for one hour on that particular day? Global summit talks failed, the continuous of usage of air-conditioners, 24-hour usage of the internet, speeding, smoking, bla bla bla, the list goes on.
Let's face it. If the ultimate goal for World Wildlife Fund(WWF) is to reduce global warming, well, I ain't seeing any temperature drop. Heat waves soared to a new records, abnormal winter conditions freezing America and Europe... Temperature fluctuations that are so drastic, and polar ice cap melting resulting into the disappearance of islands from the world map.
Humans humans, when are you going to learn?
One hour of energy saving ain't gonna help our Mother Earth. It's just like giving Her drugs, prolonging her life to an unsignificant amount of time.

although it may not be directly helping, but the event may contribute abit in letting a small portion of people to have a little bit of awareness on the topic. and from these group of people there may be a small portion that will look into the topic. sometimes we just have to make the event looks interesting to people. maybe thats why it looks like a social event now.. to stop every of those activities we need awareness.. to create awareness we need something looks interesting to drag everyone in.. did i misunderstand anything you wrote?
erm... a little. Even if the events are effective, one hour a year is definitely never enough...
ya.. but we ourself can join more related events.. even some tiny actions in our life helps.. i share some tips in my blog awhile ago.. and those are what i currently doing in my life.. http://edenshin.blogspot.com/2010/03/blog-post.html .. i hear usm have quite alot of event on this but i not sure is which campus..
yup. its in my campus... University its more serious there. But what I'm worried is that people out there, which majority of them doesn't give a damn...
we have no choice but to start from ourseif.. then only we will be able to affect some around us.. hope it spead as time flow.. " The purpose of Earth Hour is to create awareness among ourselves, please don think that you can save our mother nature just by switching off an hour of light once in a year..is all about how we should change our way of living..so please give some serious thoughts about it before you giving any comments!! =) " this is what my friend post on his wall after earth hour that i totally agree with.. i guess thats what you mean also..
yup.. every single word of it...
let's just hope that Earth Hour is the starting hour that will change Mother Earth's fortune in the future
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