Tuesday, February 1, 2011



在这里祝福每一位身体健康,万事如意,恭喜发财。第200张发帖... 我的部落格在慢慢长大了 =D

Still have fond memories of last year's Chines New Year. Last year's celebration was still fresh in my mind. Never thought time flew passed me like a breeze. Yet a lot has passed. It's normal to look back on the happy times, approximately one year ago. On such joyous occasion, one is sure to ponder and look back, cherish the moments. My time as a small boy is running out. But I want to hold on to every second of it, even though I know, it is impossible.

Still, the choice of living is mine to decide. I would be the same small boy that I love to be, until someone changes me, or till I meet someone who I am willing to change for... =)

Happy Chinese New Year. And may everyone enjoy the year of the Rabbit. Treasure the present, cos it will be the year of the Dragon, very very soon!

200th post for my blog. It's growing and getting bigger! =)

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