Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 New Year Resolutions - Making It Concise, Effective and Achievable

I dreaded on making one up. Partly because I didn't really achieve what I've set out to to in the 2013. And partly again I was in UK during the transition period from 2013 to 2014.

I again doubted the effectiveness of a New Year Resolution. I bet most of us too. Why?

We set goals yes. We are specific too in mentioning them.

But what we lack, was an action plan. Those tiny tiny bits of action, steps that you must walk and take daily, which all adds up to a single goal that you've stated down in your resolution. That's the most vital point of all!

In the year 2013 I set out a target to read 52 books a year. That's 1 book per week. I hit around 50% of it, if including all the magazines, Reader's Digest that could not be documented by Goodreads. 50% isn't bad. In terms of pages it would be around 6000 pages (around 16 pages per day). But it could be a lot better and much more closer to the target I've set if I had a set of daily routines to capture them.

Moreover, there must be a reward system to make you push yourself harder towards achieving a goal. That was also what I left out during drafting out my 2013 resolutions. With nothing to reward myself by setting those terrible and difficult goals, naturally I failed them.

So for this year, rather spending 1 hour to draft out and uneven spread of resolutions to be achieve, I will make a really concise one, capturing mental, strength, personal well-being, individually, and socially.

It's gonna take up a huge chunk of time. But I hope it will rock my 2014 :)

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