Sunday, January 12, 2014


The gloomy weather can be nostalgic. It reminds me of UK, notably because almost 1 out of 2 days I was there, it was raining. The sky was grey, but still the scenery and buildings are beautiful.

Rain has always been a popular theme for musicians and songs. No matter in what language, what genre, even what year, rain has been always been in titles of songs and movies.

I came close to watching the musical "Singin In The Rain" while I was in UK. But hard luck, the tickets sold out. I wanted to have a new feeling when it comes to rain. Thank God this trip to UK broadens me a bit. I have gloomy and happy stuffs to think about when it rains.

Well rain affects me in many ways. Back here in Malaysia, rain stops me from going out, or makes me find shelter. Back in the UK, walking in the rain was normal. I would just stare up to the skies and let the rain fall on my face, like a child first experiencing rain. What I experienced back there, stills flashes through my head every time it rains

Another way rain triggers me is music. I think listening to rain themed music on a rainy day just makes the song or music so much more meaningful and evokes feelings more than normal times.

Here are my favorite rain-themed songs, with no particular order after Yiruma's Kiss The Rain.

1. Kiss The Rain by Yiruma

2. 春雨里洗过的太阳 by Wang Lee Hom

3.下雨天 by 南拳妈妈

4. 비가오는 날렌 (On Rainy Days) by B2ST

5. Rhythm of The Rain by The Cascade
6. 천둥 (Thunder) by FT Island

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